Evelyn spent most of her day at work ignoring whispers and stares. How had so many people figured out that she had taken in Mithias? She had managed to answer a few questions from her coworkers. [i]Why do you look so tired?[/i] I took care of that man last night, and as he was rather hurt it took all night. [i]Was he a vampire?[/i] Vampires aren’t real. [i]Did he bite you?[/i] If he did do you think I would be here, out in the sun, talking to you?... The last one got the girls to hush with disapproving glares at her, but Evelyn was too tired to really care. After all, she did have a friend now, as odd and secretive as the friendship had to be. She didn’t mind. She had no idea if Mithias would be by tonight or not, but she knew it was possible and looking forward to such a visit made her day go by more swiftly. By afternoon though, she was trying to fall asleep standing up. She excused herself to the girls and said she had to go get some rest, and would organize the tax and debt section of literature as punishment for going home early today, tomorrow. They bid her farewell curtly, and Evelyn simply smiled and walked out. She walked briskly back towards her home, finding not so many stares and whispers out and about in town, which help ease tension in her shoulders from work. And of course, when she got home, the silence was rather abundant. Normally it felt cold, but today she reveled in it. She sighed contentedly and laid herself across the couch, nuzzling a throw pillow fondly before drifting off. When Evelyn awoke, it was dusk, and she actually was awakened by a knock. Frowning slightly and then yawning, she mentally scolded herself for sleeping the day away like that. At least whoever it was knocking had helped her to wake up before it got terribly late. It was still grey outside though, that pretty grey casting of the air before the sun officially slides below the horizon, and Evelyn realized the knocking was on the back door. [i]Mithias?[/i] she thought to herself with a frown, wondering who would be at her home, and then, who would use the backdoor? She pulled herself up and walked to a mirror, freshening up slightly before hurrying to the dorr and opening it wide. [b]”Hello…”[/b] she said. But there was no one there. Frowning, she peeked her head out. She saw no one. She looked utterly confused as she stepped out of her house and down the steps, leaning this way and that. How was this possible? Was she imagining the knocking? Shaking her head, Evelyn walked back inside and shut the door behind her, locking it. Something inside her, an instinct like a deer whose nose twitched when a hunter drew his bow silently back, made her feel afraid. Something was off. Something wasn’t right. She was on edge and had no idea why, but something told her to get away. She tried to ignore it, telling herself she was safe inside her home, when she turned around, took a few steps, and then gasped audibly before jumping back a few strides. Sitting at her dining room table was a [url=http://images.sodahead.com/polls/000620407/polls_vampire_1138_407200_answer_1_xlarge.jpeg]man[/url]. His skin glowed it was so pale, his yellow, animal like eyes piercing the dusky dimness of the room, and his brittle looking hair slicked back. His form was probably 6’4”, 240 lbs of muscle as he rose from his sitting position and looked at her. His serious look slowly formed into a shark like smile. It was hungry… and terrifying. Evelyn’s back hit the wall, blue, innocent eyes showing her fear she could not conceal. [b]”Who are you?”[/b] she whispered softly, her voice not shaking, but not sounding very confident. The man slid around the table and began walking towards her. [b]”My name is Pierce Cline, Miss de Winter. And I’ve been watching you.”[/b] His voice had the softness of velvet and the intensity of a fire, all wrapped in one. The type of voice that prevented you from doing anything but listening. [b]”Why? Why watch me?”[/b] she whispered again, looking confused, key pressed so tightly in her clenched hand, she was almost bleeding. Whatever comforting nature Mithias gave off, this man gave the opposite. He chuckled at her and still drew closer. [b]”Why not, dear? You are so terribly fascinating. So many humans today…(he sighed) they are improper. They gossip my dear. They drink. They tell charming lies to make themselves more interesting. My dear you do none of that. And that is what makes you so fascinating to me. You see lovely, I am a part of a group of vampires, as I’m sure you’ve guessed my species by now considering how sweetly you took in that rogue vampire last night.”[/b] Evelyn swallowed hard at this point, eyes looking into this man’s as he finally stood in front of her. With the power of his presence she wanted to downcast her eyes, but they were so utterly locked on his. [b]”We do not have a name, but it is I, my mate Vanessa, and our friend James. It also included James’ mate until she was murdered by one of your vampire hunters as of late. And well… I like even numbers,”[/b] Pierce smiled. [b]”Please…”[/b] Evelyn whispered, tears beginning to swim in her eyes. He made a clicking sound with his tongue, eyebrows furrowing as he softly shushed her. [b]”Do not beg, darling. It does not become you,”[/b] he whispered, dipping his head before smelling her neck, the sweet scent of life, blood, and the lilac perfume of her skin. She took in a sharp inhale and the vampire bared his teeth, biting into her flesh. A scream escaped her, eyes shutting and tears falling down her face, but the scream died down almost instantly, Pierce holding her against the wall behind her.