[b][u]:: Saila Eman Tsal ::[/u][/b] Saila merely raised an eyebrow at Daniel's exuberant display, face blank and betraying no emotions. Extra-dimentional storage power most likely, and doing nothing to hide it... What could he be trying to say? Was he trying to warn others that he could have a full arsenal of weapons on his person at all times? That he was sufficiently confident in his powers that he didn't mind telling the whole class about them? Maybe he was trying to imply that he could have contraband hidden in his storage space? Or could he simply be using this as a cover to conceal a completely different ability altogether? Sometimes there is no better place to hide than in plain sight... For all they knew, he could be a power mimic in disguise, or something of the sort... Or maybe he could just have another, more subtle ability as well? He could be intentionally misleading them into thinking his powers were much weaker than they actually were? Or maybe-... [i]Or maybe...[/I] a quiet voice in the back of the head interrupted amusedly.[I] ...you're overthinking everything again and he's just a kid who wanted to show off his abilities? You know... like a normal person? Not everyone has to turn everything into a subtle Machiavellian power play you know? People can just be leading normal lives every once in a while... Not everyone's a paranoid wreck who sees danger everywhere like y-...[/I] Saila quickly cut off that line of thinking and returned focus to the class instead. At the front, the long-coat wearing boy and pensive looking girl who had volunteered were soon joined by the tense looking young man who was hanging out with the ferrokinetic earlier, a rough looking boy with a stern attitude and a predatory young woman with an appearance strongly reminiscent of a vampire's. A female blond followed shortly behind. They were respectively introduced as Daniel, Aislin, Matthew, Zackary, Vespera and Kristen, and some of them gave a brief description or demonstration of their powers. Daniel had the inter-dimensional storage space, Matthew was an omnikinetic (!), Zackary a telekinetic and Vespera appeared to be some sort of darkness manipulator. [I]An omnikinetic?[/I] Saila pondered silently. [I]Impressive power. Probably the class ten student the teacher was talking about...[/I] Adam instructed them to start practicing on their own, as he and the Mrs. Ravencroft began giving the volunteers personalised instruction. Most of the students seemed to take that as meaning they were free to chat and socialize, while others simply looked at the people at the front as they practiced. Since Matthias had apparently elected to go with the group fighting in the arena, that left Saila alone for the time being, free to observe the class unnoticed. There were several students with unusual appearances, such as the girl with the urchin on her back or the boy who looked like some sort of aquatic creature. A girl not to far away, the one with the elaborate costume, made some sort of improvised swing by tying long strips of cloth to a support beam on the ceiling. [I]Interesting power...[/I] Unsure of what exactly they were meant to be doing, Saila decided to approach her group and try to get a little bit more information. The people in it all seemed like they might be returning students, and seemed like the ones closest to actually [I]doing[/I] anything with their powers. Besides, the potentially cerebral girl was among them, so it would provide an amusing opportunity to test that theory. Silently walking up to Deborah, the young mutant inquired: "My apologies for bothering you, but I was wondering what exactly we are supposed to be doing right now. This is my first day here, so I am not really quite sure. Should we not all be practicing our abilities by now? Or is this simply meant to be a waiting period until the actual activities start?"