[quote=PURRfect93] also i may be interested, so as far as plot, why not make it a small group [3-5] of friends that survived a small plane crash while traveling to a mountain to go on a camping trip? we could flesh out more details from there if it sounds good ^^edit: i know the book now XD loved it when i was younger and need to get it :/also, as for the camping part, id mean like a cabin so they didnt really pack much of anything. one of the characters (mayhaps yours?) would have received the hatchet :O maybe one or two of the others may have an item of use as well if they were lucky... (rambling on now XD) [/quote] I've read Hatchet at least a million times over when I was younger. I love it. I don't really want the hatchet to be the symbol, maybe something else. Also I hope a little mystery is okay because I do want them to crash land somewhere that seems abandoned but is not.