It was an odd feeling. One that she would have liked to call fear but if that were the case, wouldn't Elspeth have fled by now? She had been taught her entire life, and on a multitude of occasions followed through with this teaching, that she should flee at the sign of any danger. The world wasn't a safe place to be. So if this was truly a feeling of full fledged alarm, then Elspeth would most certainly have run by then. Yet, she stayed there. Staring at the odd woman who peered right back at her queerly. And so the two women stood there, silently assessing each other and the shocked question that had just left the maiden's lips just seconds before. Finally, the strange girl from the sky quietly chuckled. It wasn't a particularly happy sound, as laughter should be, but more reproachful in nature. She seemed to be very shocked and also slyly amused at the thought of her own divinity. “So, you aren't an angel?” She opened her mouth to ask what she had come from, then, but was beaten to the punch when the other girl inquired about their whereabouts. “You're in the back fields of my father's farm.” She realized after a couple of seconds that perhaps that wasn't good enough... this girl had come from the sky of course (and that fact still served to make Ellie's stomach clench with just how unnatural that was). “You're in The Westlands, and my name is Elspeth MacPhee.” She paused, giving another long look at the odd attire and strange demeanor of this mystery person. “Now, care to explain where exactly you came from non-angel?”