[i][b]Morningstar[/i][/b] Well this was going about as well as Morningstar had expected. It was almost like the first and only law of the League was Murphy's Law, that whatever can go wrong will. Still, this was what she had trained and prepared for, and she wouldn't let a little trouble stop her from completing her mission. Herself and Morningstar remained behind to handle the goons charging their position, while the meta's and Vigilance went to reinforce the VTOL's. She dropped into a firing position once more when she heard a crash from behind her. Murphy's Law. Lucy had been a cop before becoming Morningstar, and before that she had grown into womanhood in a fairly rough neighbourhood, the daughter of a well known crooked cop, a fact that attracted all the wrong attention, and the only girl in a family of four kids, a sister who was always treated as a brother, so it's safe to say she was used to trouble. So used to it, in fact, that she had almost developed a sixth sense for trouble, a small twinge at the back of her mind that fired off whenever things were going to get hot. That twinge was going off like crazy now so she knew, just knew in her core without having to look, that whatever had crashed through that boarded up window was bad news for her. Without any more thought or preamble she threw herself backwards, diving into a tumblers roll but pivoting on her feet as she rose so she was facing the space she had just vacated, to see Stalker landing on the spot where she had been standing. Hours upon hours of research into likely suspects for Legion members kicked in, and all the information she knew on Stalker flew through her head at breakneck pace. Super agility, reactions, leaping ability, everything someone would need to be an acrobatic menace. Maybe not the greatest win in the super powered lottery, but more than enough to kill Lucy if she's wasn't careful. Better to put Stalker down hard now than try to go easy and take her in alive, maybe easier said than done, but in the middle of a fire fight half measures got people killed. Morningstar raised her pistol and fired three shots, two at Stalker's chest and one at the meta's head, a classic Mozambique drill. [I][u]Mr Joe Black[/I][/u] Joe hadn't even made it to the door when he heard the commotion from behind him. He turned to see a group of stereotyped bad guys attacking the VTOL's. Where the hell had those guys come from? At least when he had been alive criminals still had the decency to try and avoid a fire-fight with the authorities. Now they were like attack dogs, snapping at anything that moved. He just didn't understand law breakers anymore, and that thought depressed him something awful. He'd just have to take it out on the Legion fucks. Which one though? The teleporter was already kicking Vigilance's ass, an excellent turn of events really, so he was out. The stone guy looked like he was damn near impervious to whatever Joe had to offer, and even being immortal didn't mean he wanted to go around getting his head knocked off by every jerk he met. That left either the assault rifle totting, knuckle dragging, badass hard cases, or the chick with the stupid hair. That was a choice that made itself. He stomped through the battlefield, heedless of the crossfire, making a bee-line for the hairy girl, probably called Medusa or something equally unintelligent. He had approached her without her noticing, a single, calmly moving target hardly the most attention grabbing object in a war zone. Now to make a snappy one liner before taking her down. "Get a hair cut ya hippy!" he snarled as he twisted her around and threw a punch at her face.