Hi! I've been craving for a good fantasy, fairytale roleplay or like a once upon a time roleplay. If you are interested please play a classic fairytale Prince ((Prince Charming, Prince Philip, Eugene, Captain Hook, ect……)). The setting would be in the magical forest realm ((where all the classic fairytales take place)). I would like this to be romantic and sorta like a Prince falls in love with the peasant. Yes I know it's cheesy but I'm craving a little cheese :) Rules: *please, have good grammar, I know that people make mistakes with grammar sometimes, but in general please have good grammar :) *please write at least three or more lines. I get that you might have writers block or something but most of the time, please write three or more lines :) *don't abandon the roleplay. If you wanna ditch it in a week, save me the heartbreak and don't start one with me. If you are going to be off for like two or three days, please notify me :) *let me know of your limits. If you are uncomfortable with anything, let me know so we can avoid the subject(s). *Last but not least, have fun. I don't want you to roleplay with me against your will, if you aren't having fun or it is getting boring, add some drama or something to it!! Here is my oc: Emmalyn- long red wavy hair, big purple eyes, curvy, her dad an mom died from fighting in a war so now she lives with her aunt, self harms on her wrist((please tell me if you aren't comfortable with that)), shy, peasant, sings well, dances, has a baby sister and older overprotective brother, bashful, plays the harp, and hard to get to know. I would really like this to be 1x1 and I don't care if it is on PMs or thread. :)