[quote=Kira Chan] Butterflies fly around you as you enter the paradise. The trees sing songs of whispers in the wind. You smell the sweet smell of roses. As you look around , tulips and poppies are surrounding you, yet you spot this narrow rock path way. As you walk down the path you hear the faint sound of water crashing. The path leads you into an open field of grass. You see a cottage by a waterfall a sign outside of it says "Kai uno disparde" Which translates "Here you may stay with comfort" The cottage is beautiful with rose bushes each side of the steps that lead to the door. You see a young girl standing by the door humming, her eyes looking towards the waterfall. She than hears your footsteps she than smiles at you with her bright blue eyes glistening in the sunlight. Her long blonde hair slightly blowing as a gentle cool breeze blows. "Welcome to Celestia Parda Kelia" She starts walking towards you with a piece of paper in her hand, she is now standing in front of you. She gives you this vanilla colored paper. "I am Miya, its a pleasure to meet you, let me show you the way around here." She grabs your hand and leads you to the waterfall you feel the cool mist softly whisping against your face as you look down the waterfall has a beautiful pond with huge green leaves covering the floor of the pond. The water was clear as crystal and you could see the fishes swimming. You spot a woman bathing in the pond created by the waterfall. She nods towards you and smiles. You see that she has open wounds that make a deep gash into her thigh as you watch her slowly get in the pond you hear her gasp with pain. But the wound you saw is slowly drawing to a close. "This pond has a special algae that heals al sorts of wounds. As it enters the bloodstream through the wound it starts to rejuvenate your cells in that spot and creates a stronger immune system. It is great after a heavy battle or spar." Amara smiled at you pointing at the pond as she talks to you. You take a curious glance at the piece of paper she handed you, the words were written in italics. "This place is for broken souls, relaxation, the happy. Its for you to decide how long you want to stay." She than leads you around to see the beautiful scenery. A deer walks up to you and licks your hand, you are startled by it yet you calmly pet its head. "This place is my home and it can be yours enjoy" Miya nodded and than showed you the little village that has a bar, supplies to buy anything for which one could desire. Now it is up for you to explore the wonderful realm of CELESTIA PARDA KEILA [/quote] Count me in