Ray nearly ran out of his shack-like house, slamming the broken door behind him. There wasn't a secure lock on the light metal door, and the latch on the doorknob that would normally keep the door from swinging open was non-existent. The door of his small house bounced off the door frame and slowly swung open. The only type of security the housee had was the screen door that seemed to be in perfect shape, from the outside at least. Ray didn't look any better than his house did, although, unlike his house, Ray was in great shape. Every morning Ray would go out into the city, if you could still call it that, and work his body to the limit. It would start as a jog which gradually evolved into a sprint, this was followed by a bit of free running that really pushed the limits of his muscles. Ray was about to go on his 4 hour long training routine until he received a small brown envelope that's contents were of top secret. Ray hopped down the few front steps and his and ran to the side walk, the sound of the screen door of his house clicking shut was indication enough to go on about his routine. But this time he was going to train, this time he would put his training to practice on a real mission. Ray bounced on his feet as he jogged in place on the side-walk outside in house, he reached around himself and shoved his hand in a pocket of his one strap backpack. His finger's fumbled around noisily through the items in his bag, after about half a minute Ray finally found the envelope inside. He separated the map from the rest of the small package, holding it tightly in his dry hands as he jogged on the spot. "Allllrighty then." Ray stated, his voice filled to the brim with excitement. He stuffed the map, envelope, and letter back in his bag haphazardly and started to jog off in the general direction of the suggest rendezvous point. Ray ran quickly towards the landing pad, taking the slightly longer way through the rubble of the war-torn parts of the city. If he couldn't do his exercise routine, he might as well make one up as he goes to the meeting spot. Ray floated through the rubble of the broken buildings that dots the city. Leaping over large debris, sliding under beams with ease, sprinting and jumping out into place that's he unfamiliar with, all to get in a bit of fitness before this super secret mission. The ET landing pad came into view and when Ray spotted it, he sprinted with %110. Ray's freakishly light bones made travel easy on foot and made high speed second nature to him. Ray slowed down and stood just a few meters away from the edge of the landing pad. Faint voices scraped at Ray's ears, curiously he turned his head slightly to spot the one man. The man was seemingly talking to the bush, he was trying to ease his way closer to the bush, hoping the brush wouldn't shoot him. The man, who's is still unknown to Ray, tossed the package to the bush, trying see if the bush was also here for the mission. At first, it hadn't occurred to Ray that there might be someone [i]in[/i], not until it rustled. Making it clear to Ray that there was someone hiding there. The person in the bush must have a firearm, otherwise the man was making a false assumption that could make him look incompetent. Ray didn't assume the latter, instead he took his own little precaution and scooted away behind a bush of his own. Hoping no one had noticed him yet.