[u]Henry[/u] Henry backpedaled a bit internally when Victoria slipped off him. He turned around and looked over his shoulder to see she had now climbed on Tetsuya's back. After what she just asked him he internally screamed at the thought that he might've misinterpreted what she had asked earlier, and then made the reptilian equivalent of [url=http://cdn.niketalk.com/4/4c/4c1e3d65_AwkwardSeal-1.jpeg]this face[/url]. When Dana and Theresa and this new girl Poppy over, he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. So being himself, he did whatever self respecting reptile would do in a situation where his well being (Mental, physical, or emotional) was threatened. Run away like a bitch. And so, he did just that. "Hey Dana, Tess, hey Tess. Hey new girl my name's Godzil- I mean Henry. This is Asae and Poppy and Victoria." he said, using one of his huge arms to push the two groups closer together. "Socialization time!" he said, one of his eyes switching over to Victoria and Tetsuya and he winced, before backing off. "I'll be back when Capture the Flag starts. I uh... need to use the bathroom." He said. This was a terrible excuse and anyone who knew him would know it. Henry never used public restrooms. Ever. With that Henry turned tail and allowed his active camouflage to fall into affect. He fell onto all fours and sprung into action, moving like a cheetah through the people, jumping clear over a few of the shorter students, and then up the wall. He ended up int the top corner farthest away from the group he had been in before. He wasn't broken up about what had happened, he was embarrassed that he had misinterpreted what Victoria had said and was furious with himself that he had left Dana and Theresa with the new people. He didnt like ditching his friends like that, but he was sure Dana would understand his want to get away. He didnt know the details about her power, but he knew the basics of what she did. He eventually ended up vertically on the ceiling playing 2048 on his phone. He realized that he should probably apologize to Dana and Theresa, so he shot them a text. [i]'Henry: Hey Dana/Theresa, sorry for ditching you like that. I'll be back soon.'[/i] He had originally thought about letting Victoria ride him into battle during capture the flag, but his embarrassment was getting the better of him. He might be able to include Dana if she was okay with it... Yeah, that's what he'll do... maybe...?