[b][u]Evan DeRonde[/u][/b] [i]Well fuck me sideways, look who's coming over.[/i] Evan hadn't spent five seconds sitting and watching as others demonstrated powers until the two people she'd walked past (the one's she'd assumed to be rich) were walking toward her. One of them, a guy, had an overconfident swagger to him, like a peacock flashing it's feathers. The girl with him just looked like she had nothing better to do. [i]Glad I'm the amusement,[/i] she thought dryly. She noticed how the guy glanced at her; he had obviously noticed how different she looked. Such reactions were commonplace to her, she knew she wasn't exactly inconspicuous. However, she lifted her glasses just enough to take a peek down at her ink-stained hands and- yep, her tattoos were showing, just bright enough to be seen as a pastel lilac tattoo. Great, that meant that her eyes must have been saturating, and the few streaks in her her hair were probably colouring too. It made sense; she was pissed, and she'd gone a few days without using her power much at all. No wonder there was an energy buildup. She was tired, but also over-filled with a different kind of energy. [i]Great.[/i] Looking up through her sunglasses, she raised an eyebrow at the pair who approached her. [i]"Hello there, madam. I am Jake Vin Valos, I saw you walk past and figured you'd be a good talk. Yes?" "... Hey jackass, introduce me." "... And this is my annoying twin sister Gabriela Valos." [/i] [i]Is he serious? Madam? Jesus.[/i] Evan thought briefly. She did not react for a moment, just looked up through her sunglasses (that'd probably get a question as well, if history were to repeat itself) and examined them for a second. After that, she sighed heavily. "Uh, [i]hi.[/i]" She waved with one hand, a flick of the wrist as opposed to being much of a movement. The venom in her voice wasn't very concealed, and neither was the tiredness. She reminded herself not to make enemies too quickly, on the off chance that she really would be here for the next long while, so she forced herself to at least croak out her name, accent coming through in her lack of caring to conceal it. She pointed at herself. "Evan. Got any idea what the hell is going on?" She had a vague idea, as the other side of the room seemed to be having some sort of ability demonstration/class, but she wasn't sure how the hell she fit into any of this. "And what is everyone wearing? You all look like you're fencing."