[center]My Parents Gave Me This : Shiloh Theresas But This Sounded Cooler : Quiet Child My Parents Did Not Decide This…I Think : Psh, this is stupid. Look, I [i]don't care[/i]. The World Has Been Doomed for This Many Years : 27, yeah boiii~ People Think I’m Crazy But I’m Really : I used to be really secluded, but now I guess I'm kind of.. not. Clever, sarcastic, whatever. They almost had it down, too. Why I’m so Bad : -TBA- World Beware My Power! : Two words: Brute. Force. I guess I'm kind of scary, too? I don't know, it's up to you. Random Things You May Want to Know For No Real Reason : I just want to be loved o; Haha, just kidding. I'll do just about anything for a drink, though. I’m Just That Cool : Normal look: [img=http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b541/candidachung/168729_zps9235d7c5.jpg] Villain Look: [img=http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/2ee926b19bb7563a87129ac57bcac995/http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee171/narutorules45/AnimeGuy5-2.jpg][/center] Still a WIP :P