Mithias knew the very second he heard the crumple of foliage that there would be a confrontation. He stopped again, as a human appeared from out of the brush in front of him. The vampire's golden eyes widened briefly as he instantly recognized Alex, the young new hunter. It was the very man he had seen in the stagecoach, the man who's room he had searched, and the apparent sibling of the lovely brown haired lady in the picture Mithias still carried in his pocket. He ducked his head downward to keep his face hidden as he stood there, formulating a plan. What in the living Hell were the odds of this meeting?? "Who are you?" Alex asked. He was armed... somewhat. Not that his armaments would do him much good anyway, but Mithias didn't want a fight. It seemed that there was no better time than now to make introductions, however incriminating it would be. "Alex Moriaty." The cloaked man stated audibly, making clear he knew exactly who the hunter was. The shock factor of being identified usually precluded a fight. Not removing his hat, Mithias otherwise bowed cordially. Black hair, white hands, and a sturdy physique were all that were apparent to identify him. "It is an honor to make your acquaintance. I am Mithias. I am sorry to learn what has happened to the dear Kingsleys. I understand their home was severely damaged. How do you fair this morning?" The man's eyes couldn't be clearly seen in the shadows, but he was looking right at Alex, casually folding his clawed hands in from of himself.