[b]Before the Scenario[/b] The tension was palpable. Each side of the ship was bristling with gunpowder and steel, hardened sailors turning on each other after months of time together. Trust is such a flimsy thing, and loyalty as fleeting as the wind. Hunger and exhaustion will break even the most indefatigable of warriors. Delilah knows, she's seen it happen countless times through the Queen's memories. Ah, yes. The queen's memories. Every [i]Mali[/i] is linked to their queen, whose voice whispers in her head even now. [i]Don't get involved with this foolish struggle, Pup.[/i] the voice intoned. Delilah's single living eye traced along the two sides of soon-to-be combatants. She relaxed-- what most people considered a submissive gesture in a dangerous situation was actually a sign of this girl's most lethal moments. A complete calm, her demeanor loose and as if a strong wind could blow her over. The thick robes she wore hiding her entire body save her face, and even then the girl often-times wore a strange half-mask-- such as right now. It hid the lower half of her face entirely, leaving just her velvet eyes viewable. And then the call of 'land ahoy'. Delilah stiffened back up and sharply walked below-decks. She was only above in order to see what the commotion was about, and with those words...'Land ahoy'...She knew that there would be no fight... [b]Scenario 1[/b] And so Delilah insisted she be put on this initial scouting/landing crew. It was the first time she actively spoke out the entire trip, and she was...forceful with it as well. The Divine Queen wanted her on this island, and she was following her orders. She kept her firearms under the thick robes, the highly strange Kv'Otheian material keeping her weapons and body dry completely, if growing heavy from the moisture. This robe and cloak combination was more than enough to dampen most simple blunt weapons and smaller blades, but even it couldn't stop arrows and heavier weapons. And so the girl put her lot into rowing ashore, shifting the rifle into her hands as the boat shifted into shore and beached itself. The fog may be settling in, but the girl's velvet eyes pierced through it with her trained perception-- if there was movement she'd notice it within a reasonable distance. She stayed silent, shifting forward in her eerily silent manner to accompany Stren.