Scenario #0 - The Cutlass The voyage had been almost unbearable for the young Satyr. Between getting constantly sea sick from the constantly rocking boat and the lack of clean water and food, as well as options to bathe, it was pretty horrible. And to make it worse the rest of the passengers were going insane. She watched as fight after fight broke out, many of them ending in injury or death. It was strange to Ava to see this much violence in one small place. She often found herself retreating to her cabin to keep away from the danger. Ava was able to keep her wits about her, partly thanks to the calm nature that came with being a satyr. But it also came from music. During the night Ava would lay out on deck, watching the stars and playing her pan flute. It was hard to go insane from hunger and boredom when you are playing music. And when land had been found, despite the fog and poor weather, Ava felt her spirit become rejuvenated. Land meant fresh food and water, and maybe even some flowers or plants or anything to get her back into the soil. Ava had been one of the first to volunteer to go off and explore, but her request was denied. She was told that she was needed to stay on the Cutlass to keep everyone sane while the scouting party went off. And with a sigh Ava agreed that it was for the best, requesting that someone on the scouting team brought her back a flower for her hair. Ava now leans against the railing of the ship, a cheery and hopeful tune floating out of her pan flute, several sailors dancing to the tune around her.