Phew... Now that the first and longest workday of the week is over with, I can tend to this. [quote=Jedly] Definitely got my interest. I haven't watched .hack yet, but I can start it tonight and get a good idea once I finish my book report. We just have to be careful not to get stuck on "one point", and constantly think up of new interactions or quests. [/quote] First of all, glad to have your interest. Also .Hack isn't too far off from SAO. So I think you should be able to pick it up quite easily. Though by all means feel free to get some learning in about it :) Never hurts. [quote=Komamisa] Well, I'm currently looking for a RP with a Virtual Reality element. .hack// itself is pretty nostalgic as that's the setting I started RPing in. SAO is something I'm a pretty big fan of, too.So, I'm interested. Also, hi Jedly.Question, though: You mentioned offline meet-ups being of some relevance, is it possible to have a character that interacts by proxy? As in, doesn't directly talk to people offline, but might send someone in their stead or just have a friend with an audio-link up? It's a bit convoluted, but I had a sort of hikikomori (shut-in) or very private person in mind.One more thing: .hack//Sign occurs in 2007 (which was the relative "future" at the time), SAO occurs in 2022... Around what year would this roleplay be happening in? On that note, which of The World's classes will you be using?I can probably help the GM explain a bit about SAO if it comes down to it, I enjoy explaining things :P. I am Inkd is intending to use Aincrad, though maybe we'll be seeing some Alfheim. Those two being separate settings/games within the light novel/anime.As for High Casual, it's essentially what Inkd said: Just a roleplay with slightly elevated standards comparative to the average Casual roleplay. The general guideline is that Casual requires some character development, language knowledge and a single paragraph. High-Casual just bumps those standards up a notch, falling just short of the expected three paragraphs of Advanced. [/quote] Awesome! .Hack goes way back for me too. I've played the game since it's release and watched most of the anime. Answer: I wouldn't mind more of a private character offline. Personally I think it adds a sense of mystery. People wanting to find out who the real person is and when they can meet xD One more answer: In all honesty, to give some time in between the events, I had just planned on switching this years 14 for 2041 lol. As far as classes, I planned for GU series classes [quote=Zombehs] Tentative... I've got my hands in plenty of RPs, but always room for something of this nature. [/quote] Thanks for wanting to hop aboard :) And with that, I think that's enough to start working on the OOC and still be accepting players. As a side note: You guys can create as many characters as you think you can handle, but be forewarned! For the sake of the RP there will be a limit on how many characters will start out a little further than others. Being as the game is would have recently been released when we start.