[quote=Komamisa] I can probably help the GM explain a bit about SAO if it comes down to it, I enjoy explaining things :P. I am Inkd is intending to use Aincrad, though maybe we'll be seeing some Alfheim. Those two being separate settings/games within the light novel/anime. As for High Casual, it's essentially what Inkd said: Just a roleplay with slightly elevated standards comparative to the average Casual roleplay. The general guideline is that Casual requires some character development, language knowledge and a single paragraph. High-Casual just bumps those standards up a notch, falling just short of the expected three paragraphs of Advanced. [/quote] Thanks Komamisa, especially for the clarification! ^^ [quote=Inkd_Junkie] Phew... Now that the first and longest workday of the week is over with, I can tend to this. First of all, glad to have your interest. Also .Hack isn't too far off from SAO. So I think you should be able to pick it up quite easily. Though by all means feel free to get some learning in about it :) Never hurts.Awesome! .Hack goes way back for me too. I've played the game since it's release and watched most of the anime. Answer: I wouldn't mind more of a private character offline. Personally I think it adds a sense of mystery. People wanting to find out who the real person is and when they can meet xD One more answer: In all honesty, to give some time in between the events, I had just planned on switching this years 14 for 2041 lol. As far as classes, I planned for GU series classes Thanks for wanting to hop aboard :) And with that, I think that's enough to start working on the OOC and still be accepting players. As a side note: You guys can create as many characters as you think you can handle, but be forewarned! For the sake of the RP there will be a limit on how many characters will start out a little further than others. Being as the game is would have recently been released when we start. [/quote] Awesome to hear! ^^ Cool thing with allowing players to have more than one character. Especially since this is an MMO. Also, GU classes, yay! My personal favorite. ;)