Character Name: Thomas Hadley Age: 26 Callsign: Carnage Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Race: Human Super Soldier Personality: A war hungry leader, he is revered and hated for his merciless combat tactics, he has slaughtered armies of both enemy factions before, and personally fought in the battles. To Carnage, a day without blood is a day without sunshine, and a day without a fight is like not eating. To him, war is life, he lives on the battlefield. He leads his men by making sure they know one thing: Run and you die a coward’s death, if you’re gonna die, send the whole fucking world to Hell with you. Biography: Carnage was born ready to kill, during his teenage years his outer fort was invaded, so almost everyone took up arms for the cause. especially him. Wearing the basic gear he ended up covered in blood of the undead as he got close to the leader, all he had left as he approached the abomination, were his bare hands, the beast was twice his size, but he fought none the less, charging fearlessly at the beast, after a painful and brutal back and forth battle, Thomas, now named Carnage for how this beast died, as he had crushed the abominations skull. With his own two rage filled hands, this led to him being introduced to the military, he quickly shot through the ranks, in his early 20’s he was leading a unit to victory against elves and undead hordes, many skulls adorn his armor, of various malformations and humanoid looks, all abomination or elvish leaders. Not one foe has survived his wrath, and he won’t let that change until he dies, and STAYS dead. Though he is a soldier, and his loyalty is to humanity as a whole, if he feels anyone threatens it, he will annihilate them, living, dead, or elvish. None will stop humanities rise on the backs of the corpses of the other races. Not even Death himself. This is his philosophy, especially after evading death by a thin line through mankind’s technological prowess, he has become the monster people wage war alongside today. Though this “Monster” is one of mankind’s last hopes to survive. They would probably rather die than admit it. So Carnage is the one who will stare the worst of it all in the eyes, and punch it. He doesn’t care, all he cares about is killing his enemies and taking back what was taken by man’s own hands. Not by a pile of bones and rotten meat. Or by santa’s helpers with some extra height on their scrawny fucking frames. He is the Wrath Of Man given flesh. Weapons: AA-26 fully automatic shotgun loaded with explosive solid 10 gauge slugs. M1020 12 gauge semi-automatic shotgun loaded with the same type of slug as the AA-26 High-powered detachable gauntlet that has a cannon in the palm. Two long swords picked from elvish leader's corpses, and his personal combat knife. Abilities: Superhuman strength, agility, and regeneration due to nanotechnology and his armor. His left arm is also a hand cannon, literally. Third, his armor has jump jets that propel him across large gaps and high into the air, making able to rip down many airborne threats with his own two hands. Fourth he can turn himself into a living lance after a few seconds of consistent forward momentum, nearly unstoppable, him and his men become an arrowhead that has been known to break even the esteemed Phalanx formation. When he is enraged, this fury aims to be infectious, so he and men near him gain more aggression, and are harder to kill. When Carnage himself is nearing his fall, he aims to take everyone with him. So he takes on a brash and fearless assault. Slaughtering many who are near him before finally collapsing. Also, Carnage is tempered by experience like many leaders, so he doesn’t lose his head on the battlefront. Carnage’s favorite weapon, is a satellite weapon called “The Sword Of Dawn”, a super weapon that fires a beam near equal to sunlight.