[i]Dave[/i] As they arrived at the Rosetta Nebula Relay, Dave gave a low whistle as he stared through the front window, and at the sensors, of his ship [i]The Romany Star[/i]. “I suppose it was too much to hope that we were the only ones who had heard this little tidbit of information, wasn’t it?” He commented to no one in particular. There were ships of every shape and size, waiting at the relay. Freighters, shuttles, fighters, etc. Dave noted that there were very few actual military ships. That was something to be thankful for. He had the biggest guns in this little showdown. “Contact the other ships, tell them to get a good distance away from this mess. When the relic finally does arrive, let’s let them tear each other apart first. After all, why waste ammunition when we can just let them do the shooting for us?” He ordered as he turned to leave and check to make sure his ship was ready. Couldn’t have her underperforming, now could he? Before he could, however, his second in command came up to him. “Tevura is waiting for you in the conference room.” Dave nodded. “Oh good. I wanted to see how good my lying skills are anyways.” He winked at his second in command and then sauntered off towards the meeting with Tevura. Before he could even say anything as he walked in, Tevura spoke first. “Try not to get yourself killed.” Dave stopped and blinked. “Well, I’m touched by your concern, but we’re not doing anything overly danger-“ “Don’t lie to me Dave.” Tevura interrupted, holding up a hand to stop him from continuing further. “I know you. Which means I know you’ve gone to the Rosetta Nebula Relay. Which means I know that you’re going for the relic. Which means, lucky for you, that I won’t take offense to this foolishness, and I’ll ask only that you don’t die. We’d miss your cockiness, and most of our pilots and fleet would leave with your death.” She glanced over her shoulder, presumably at her sister. “Well,” she corrected,” [i]I[/i] would miss your cockiness. Rebekha would only just care about all the fleet and the crew that would leave with you.” Dave smirked. “Good to know that I’m so loved by your sister.” Tevura shrugged. “What can I say? She’s not a very trusting person. With good reason.” Dave nodded as he spoke, “I know. Regardless, you have my most solemn vow that I’ll do my best not to get killed and preserve your fleet.” Before she cut communications, the Asari rolled her eyes. “Oh yes. The vow of a pirate lord. Truly I can rest easy now.” As Dave turned around to inspect his ship before the coming battle, he grinned to himself. This was going to be fun. Who knew if he might dance with death again?