Taking a little break from PMing myself what's going to be on the OOC for a few lol. It's nice to see that you've already got some character ideas. Just to help out a little (since you already know what the classes will be...[url=http://dothack.wikia.com/wiki/Category:The_World_R:2_Classes]Click here if not :P[/url]) I will give you guys a little insight on the races. Humans go without saying. Rare human races being Aasimar and Tiefling. •Aasimar: Will have a few minor angelic traits (IE: small wings and halo). •Tiefling: A few minor demonic traits (IE:Horns and a tail) You can portray these traits however you'd like. So if you were an aasimar, your wings don't necessarily have to be bird wings. Like Balmung's wings at one point were dark and more digital (or formed from Aida I believe... *shrug*) -Elves- •High Elves •Drow/Dark elves *Rare*Lythari- Elves capable of taking a wolf form -Beasts- •Sirius: Canine face with a furry, but more humanoid body •Bastet: Same as sirius but feline version *Rare* Kitsune