[u]Basic Information[/u] [b]Name:[/b] Benjamin David Voss [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] Behemoth, Colossus, Titan [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 22 years of age. [b]Height:[/b] 6'10 [b]Weight:[/b] 344lbs [b]Status:[/b] New student. [u]Appearance[/u] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Dark brown. [b]Eye Color:[/b] Green [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Caucasian American. [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] For a man, Ben is big. Standing at an enormous 6’10, most people never meet a man his size in their lives. He looks like what you would think for a man of his stature. His [url=http://www.bigdonsboys.com/strength/pages_07_10/images/06_06_320_vince_urbank_014.jpg]body[/url] is extremely muscular and riddled with various small scars, ranging in size and shape. His forearms tend to have a few SpongeBob Band-Aids on them at all times. His hair is mid length and curly and is slicked back to be kept out of his eyes. Similarly to [url=http://static.squarespace.com/static/53323bb4e4b0cebc6a28ffa2/t/53c69f5be4b03bd1ee9dbe25/1405525855491/?format=500w]in this image[/url]. Ben has a square face with a relatively small forehead, and a very strong chin. He has almond shaped eyes separated by an average sized noes that stare straight ahead in neutral position that can almost be defined as glaring. ALMOST. Along his chin, jaw line, and lip there is a Tony Stark-esque goatee. His face has several tiny scars, a prominent one cuts through his right eyebrow. None of these are fight related, just due to a fairly labor intensive life. Subtle worry and laugh lines are also permanently etched into his face, as facial expressions are one of his main ways of communicating. [b]Attire:[/b] Ben tends to have an interesting attire choice for the weather. He wears a white tank top, blue jeans, old and worn steel toed work boots. Over his tank top he wears an old and worn brown leather jacket. He also tends to wear a pair of reading eyeglasses because he has trouble reading small print. He carried around a dry erase marker, a white board, a handkerchief and a copy of one of the many volumes of “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy”. [u]Personality[/u] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] Ben is the opposite of what you would think he would be for his age and stature. He is in fact the polar opposite. Being mute, Ben doesn’t have the option of being loud and boastful. He’s naturally a pacifist and he will more often than not he will be found with a cupcake in his hand over an sort of weapon. If you gave him a sword he will look at you oddly and then motion over to the grill he happens to have running in a silent question of if you want him to cut your steak with a katana. He can fight, but more often than not he will avoid it by any means necessary. He is a warm and friendly individual, the kind of person who just attracts people to him and listens to their problem. He gives off the aura of someone you can trust and he’ll hold true to that. It’s not like he can tell anyone. He’s the kind of person who will listen to the fact that your boyfriend or girlfriend broke up to you, and then spend six days carving out a wooden necklace that’s shaped like a turtle, because let’s face it: Who doesn’t like turtles? Ben lives by the ideology that a friendly smile, and simply listening to someone can solve more problems than the sword or the pen. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] Reading, listening, having a cup of tea or coffee. He also enjoys working on various projects, whether it is building a car or a small house. He also likes to plant trees or volunteer in nature restoration efforts. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Ben is good at reading body language, and he is very adept at hard labor. He’s a handy man. He knows how to work power tools or tear down a wall. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] His wedding ring, which is a standard gold ring. [b]Quote(s): [/b] “…” [b]History/Bio: [/b] Ben was born on March twenty seventh, in 1992, and right from the start, he was different. Maybe it was the fact that he was a fourteen pound baby, maybe it was the fact that he didn't reach the common first word checkpoint that most children reach, maybe it was the fact that the sheer temperature in the room raised just by him being [i]present[/i]. Maybe it was due to a lot of things. Ben was born with his power, it manifesting itself on the fifth day he was alive in the form of a flower growing out of the palm of his hand. He always had an affinity with the land that most would never see or have, and he considers himself lucky to have the background that he had. Ben was born in Texas, in a hospital, but was raised on the family farm with his mother, father, and immediate or close family such as his father's grandparents, one of which was a doctor who had proclaimed the boy as mute after about a year and a half of his existence, and recommended a few things to help with his aliment. He never lived an especially wealthy life, and so his parents couldn't afford to get lessons in sign language, and so compensated with a dry erase board, a marker, and a handkerchief. Ben attended a public school a little ways away from where he lived up until he graduated high school. He got a mid level education, nothing super special, but kept straight A's. Not through especially high intelligence, but through good work ethic. Ben was a hard worker. Ben was never bullied in school, in fact quite the opposite. Most people liked him, and girls tended to enjoy his presence because "He actually cared about them" in their eyes. He was big and strong, something that most males want, and a big teddy bear who would buy you a chocolate bar if he heard you say you wanted one to your friend. The kind of person girls want. True to the meaning of his name, Ben was his father's right hand son, and probably would've been his right hand son even if he had a sibling. As soon as he could walk Ben was watching his father closely, and helping out whenever he could. His size and strength came in handy in doing things his father couldn't do well anymore due to his age. At the age of twelve Ben brought home two chickens and a rooster that he had written names out. The birds were special to him, but his father proclaimed that he couldn't keep them unless he built him a chicken coupe. And so he built two chicken pens. One for his birds, and one for the egg laying birds. His father, true to his word, allowed Ben to keep the birds. His forms were discovered in some fairly unorthodox ways. He was helping his father push a tractor that had run out of gas when his tree golem form manifested itself, and his Beast form came to be in an even less useful way. It was random, and it began in 2002. He woke up feeling strangely, and tried to work through it. It got more and more powerful over the next hour, and Ben retired to his room for the day to rest thinking he had caught something especially resilient, as he was not a sickly boy. When he awoke, he was a twenty foot long, five ton creature, who had smashed his bed, and was damaging the floorboards with his weight just by being there. Unfortunately, he was stuck in that form for a while, unable to do anything, or leave the house, and when it eventually went away on it's own, he and his father had to repair the damage done to his room. His two forms became useful after that, Ben taking many years to learn to use them when he wants to over random times. His Golem form for doing things no human ever could alone, and his beast mode for performing raw physical feats that would require thousands of dollars and a lot of man power to do (remember that tractor from earlier? Well it was carried the next time it ran out of gas). In the summer of 2010, Ben was eighteen, and had ascended to the most able bodied man there not even due to his power, although that helped a lot. One night he heard the chickens being loud and screaming. Thinking it was a Coyote, or a bobcat or wolf, he grabbed his father's shotgun and his coat and set off into the night to check up on the creatures. When he arrived he found himself pointing his Remington at a shark like girl who had a chicken in her hands that she was about to eat. He motioned for her to put it down, and she did, but she was screaming threats at him by then. He could tell that she was a meta human, like him. His family knew a pretty good amount on them. It was probably one of the only things they researched with their limited internet connection. After his family stepped in, verbal communication becoming more relevant to the situation as the seconds passed, they brought the girl in, and let her eat her fill. They talked a little while, and eventually learned that the girl's power was very similar to his own. Ben had traits very similar to that of the Behemoth's, and with his family being Catholic, linked the two together as the incarnations as the holy beasts of the land and sea- Counterparts. The girl, Pink as he learned her name was, eventually left, Ben having driven her home in his truck, thinking that was the end of it. Quite the opposite actually. He had graduated, but he learned that after their encounter Pink had began to attend school again, from none other than Pin herself. After their encounter it because semi common for her to visit, maybe once a week. Twice if they were lucky. Ben greatly appreciated Pink's presence as she was one of his best friends. They even trained together from time to time. Although those occasions were rare. When Ben turned nineteen he met an incredible semi-country girl by the name of Claire. The two hit it off from there and began dating soon after. She learned he was a meta human, and about his counterpart, and was shown all of the amazing things he could do. He made a habit of giving her a flower every time they met. Due to the black fall effect, Ben had turned most of his family into meta humans. His grandmother healed a little faster, and his grandfather learned to understand many different languages. His dad became stronger, and his mother could kiss any boo-boo away. Most of these powers were level two or below. She stuck with him when his grandparents passed away of old age. His grandfather then his grandmother a few months after. They had lived a full life, and were in their mid eighties. Their funerals, which were a few months apart, weren't filled with tears as if they had died young. In fact, it was melancholy. Sad that they were gone, but joyous at their lives well lived. It was then that Ben learned that death was a part of life. Due to his heavy interaction with Claire, he changed her into a meta human as well. A telepath, to be exact. He had been planning on proposing to her soon when he heard her in his own mind, and she said [i]'I can hear you.'[/i] It was the first time anyone had ever heard his voice, well, not heard, but could understand what it would've sounded like. He proposed to her on the spot by grabbing the first thing he could, which happened to be an old and unused "Learn ASL!" video that they had been planning to watch together. They never did, but it was unorthodox, and different, and so [i]him[/i]. At the age of twenty one he and Claire had gotten married, and had moved into his house. They, with the guidance of his parents, became the heads of the household. However, tragedy struck. Ben met Pink again, late at night, for the second time. She had explained that her family had been criminals without her knowledge, and that her whole family had been arrested, and she had no where to go. Ben immediately stuck up for her, Claire (who was willing to follow him to hell and back, and he for her) trusted his judgement and translated his thoughts to his parents, who required more convincing. After an hour long debate, his parents caved, and Pink lived with them for a long while, until the whole incident blew over. When Pink discovered her other form, much like he had a few times, Ben was extremely happy it had happened outside. What he wasn't happy about however, was that she had been attacked. He heard the roars in the distance where the lake was, and knew Pink was out (he had a rule where she always had to tell him when she left), and knew this must've been bad. Grabbing his Remington (which he had inherited from his father), he set out into the woods and discovered her having been attacked by what she described as a black bear. Ben, being a big man, was able to carry her with one arm and keep the gun ready if he needed to use it against the bear. Later on, when he had turned twenty two, Pink announced at dinner that that she had been invited to attend Academy 218. Due to some damages to the house on Ben's part, he agreed to accompany Pink in her endeavor, with Claire passive aggressively yelling at him to go and learn how to properly control his beast form's abilities, as to not risk smashing the house on accident. And so, here he is, at Academy 218. [u]Relationships[/u] Claire | Awesome | Wife | "She made my watch Fullmetal Alchemist with her. The exchange between Ed and Winry when Edward proposes summarizes my thoughts perfectly." Jago | Great! | Friend | "The guy needs to chill out! Stop beating your chest and drink some soda! Damnit man you rejected the soda I gave you and now you're drinking it later?" Shannon | Good | Friend | "She will have a giant mech cotton warrior suit that will ride my landmass dinosaur form into battle. It's canon and it's happening. Deal with it." Deborah | Good | Friend | "There aren't many people who I've had to carry out of a collapsing ship. I consider that a bonding experience." Red | Good | Friend | "WHEN YOU MEET A SHADY MAN YOU DONT GET INTO AN ARGUMENT WITH HIM YOU DOPE." [u]Family: [/u] He considers Pink his family. He has a mother and father, and reveres them greatly for bringing him up so well. He also has Claire, his wife, whom he loves and respects greatly, and would go to the ends of the earth for. [u]Abilities[/u] [b]Power Rating: Animal: 8 Plant: 8 Elemental: 8 Super System: 8[/b] [b]Power Class General:[/b] Animal/Elemental/Super System [b]Power: [/b] Human Form: Ben is the Behemoth, the deity of the land. He has had his power all his life, and for most of it he has put it to good use. He retains control of the world around him, Xylokinesis or better known as Plant and wood manipulation. His ability can range from the control and generation of woo. He has had a lot of time to learn how to control this gift of power he has been given, and he tries to use it for minimal offensive purposes. Because of this, his power is used mainly for defensive purposes, creating a protective barrier of wooden skin, or shooting the a vine beneath his opponent and wrapping it around his opponents feet to trip them up. He tries to attain a hands off fighting style and will try not to lay a hand on his offender. Because he dislikes fighting so much, he has created a unique style of maneuvers he has dubbed Bu-Da after using Google translate to name his art of not fighting. Demon Form: In this state, Ben covers himself in his hard wooden exterior, and becomes a twelve foot tall tree golem. This golem has the ability to warp it's limbs into weapons or shields, and has incredible regeneration when in a healthy environment in the sun. While it cannot manipulate plant life or wood like his normal form can, it is extremely defensive and incredibly strong. A juggernaut of sorts. This forest golem is capable of generating various defense mechanisms plants are capable of creating. Whether it be coating his body in Poison Ivy Vines if he doesn't want to be touched, or emitting various wafting odors to attract insects and other bugs such as spiders, bees, and wasps to defend him in nonlethal ways. If he is forced to be physical, he has various ways of fighting, using whip like vines to either tie up or trip his opponents up, wooden constructed weapons, or simply punching them out, which is usually pretty easy in this form. It looks similarly to [url=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121227090000/chroniclesofarn/images/7/7b/Thorn-golem.jpg]this[/url]. Beast Form In his beast form, his ability to control the earth in finely tuned ways is lessened in exchange for a new set of abilities. In his beast form, Behemoth grows to become a twenty-foot tall, fifty-foot long, ten-ton giant of a creature. This creature is theropod in build and is very much like a mountain and a dinosaur. He is, in essence, a walking land mass. His beast form has incredibly thick and defensive hide, being ten inches thick in some areas, with bone like armor covering his chest and back going all the way down to the length of the creature’s tail, which makes up about sixty percent of it’s over all body length. This form has six small triangular eyes; all of which grow yellow, and down the length of the creature’s body small holes emit bright yellow light, as if the creature’s body is a furnace. These yellow lights actually emit smoke for when he's very active, as burning coal is one way he retains energy in beast form rather than continually sucking energy from the world around him. In essence, it looks vaguely like [url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-mjSeXWr9ubE/U185jhhA9HI/AAAAAAAAAWQ/r5L2S_ILKro/s1600/4193renderearthelementa.png]this[/url]. In beast form he is extremely tanky, heavily defensive and offensive. He is able to create fewer but larger wooden structures such as a wall or a barrier, or other constructs to defend allies. He also gains the ability to summon earthquakes that range up to category five in severity (a category five can cause damage to poorly constructed buildings and usually causes no deaths unless said building collapse with people inside). But his quakes normally range from 2-4. These earthquakes extend in a fifteen-meter radius all around the source (which is usually his foot). He is able to absorb energy from the ground around him to accelerate his healing, and can photosynthesize, but he wont be bouncing back from big wounds without proper help. His sight and sense of smell are very well developed. In both forms he is resistant to thermal based effects such as over heating, and is able to operate in higher temperatures with very few if any side effects. His appearance tends to vary from place to place, as his whole saurian body's construction and composition is affected by what the environment around him is. This will be described more IC side, as it's very situational. It's usually vines and rocks, and threes and bone and flesh and other organic and inorganic substances all in one super predator. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: [/b] Ben’s biggest weakness is that he is just as susceptible to his earthquakes and fissures as everyone else, and cant control the severity of the earthquake he produces. Meaning he can just as easily knock himself over. This can have side effects much worse on him than anyone else. For people, they have arms to catch themselves. For him in beast mode, while he does have arms that are strong, he is 20,000lbs hitting the ground hard. He will break things if he falls badly. In beast mode he is limited by his size as well. He can’t fit into small spaces, isn’t flexible, and can take a few seconds to turn around fully. Dense foliage is also his weakness in the fact that it inhibits his movement even more. In order to go from 300lbs to ten tons Ben has to absorb a lot of energy from the world around him. In places as healthy as Academy 218 this is not much trouble, but the forest restricts him to clearings in order for him to use his size to it’s maximum potential. His transformation also take a lot of time and build up, taking up to thirty to forty minutes for him to absorb enough energy to achieve his fully size. The surroundings can also affect his ability. In places like a metal box in the arena he is incapable of shifting to beast form because he in unable to absorb energy from the ground. In areas where the ground is unhealthy he is unable to achieve his full size and power. He is also extremely slow in his beast form, only being able to move fast in a head on charge. Because of his pacifist mentality, he plays more of a support role over an offensive one and will very rarely engage anyone outright. His mentality remains this way in both forms, and despite he weaponry he is just too nice to bring himself to be dangerous. Like Pink, he is weakened when taken outside of his element. His Demon form has very similar weaknesses to his Demon form in the fact that it's not very range centered, slow, and is very heavy and bulky. It also lacks hearing in this form. Unrelated to powers, Ben is farsighted, and tends to have trouble seeing things up close. So if the enemy is a shape shifter or something, or moves very quickly, he will have trouble keeping up with them if they are close to him. [b]Other:[/b] [url=http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/4479/556030-actor_toph.jpg]Click me![/url] [youtube]O0YxeTjFn70[/youtube]