[b]Name[/b]: Qu [b]Title[/b]: Titan of Sin, [i]sometimes called the Seven-faced Child or the God-eating Demon Serpent.[/i] [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Appearance[/b]: Her apparent form, that of a colossal human child, is in fact an illusion created by the great Serpent known as Qu. Still, it is the form that most commonly interacts with the world, and acts as a sort of conduit for the power of the true Qu. [b]Powers[/b]: There are seven core aspects to Qu's power, and from each originates its own form of sin. [hider=Aspects][b]Lust[/b]- [i]-[u]Power[/u]: Originates from Qu's ability to influence the minds of others through their desires. She derives pleasure from this, as she herself desires everything. -[u]Flaw[/u]: By resisting temptation, one can completely prevent the effects of this ability. Removing Qu's tongue completely negates this ability unless her tongue is restored.[/i] [b]Gluttony[/b]- [i]-[u]Power[/u]: Originates from Qu's ability to consume anything, trapping it inside of her very existence and drawing from it to greatly increase her power. Anything consumed by her cannot escape unless she is somehow forced to disgorge them. -[u]Flaw[/u]: If Qu is forced to eat more than she can handle, she will forcefully vomit out everything she has eaten. This weakens her and frees any entity she had consumed, allowing them to once again move and act as they please. Closing shut Qu's mouth prevents her from consuming anything.[/i] [b]Greed[/b]- [i]-[u]Power[/u]: Originates from Qu's ability to steal power from the world itself, taking thing for her own and infinitely increasing in size the more she steals. The more "precious" something is in her eyes, the more strength it grants to her. -[u]Flaw[/u]: Conversely, destroying or conquering the things she is using the power of reduces her strength and size. If her perception of an object's value changes, so does the power she gains from it.[/i] [b]Sloth[/b]- [i]-[u]Power[/u]: Originates from Qu's ability to regenerate from even the deepest of injuries through the power of Ultimate Rest. -[u]Flaw[/u]: Any diligent assault will have no trouble outpacing Qu's ability to restore herself, and she is almost entirely unable to affect the physical world whenever she is in this state of rest. Remove Qu's eyelids, and she becomes unable to sleep.[/i] [b]Wrath[/b]- [i]-[u]Power[/u]: Originates from Qu's most famous ability, the Roar that Shatters the Heavens. With the power to cause massive widespread disaster, this cataclysmic ability is matched by few when it comes to pure, destructive power. -[u]Flaw[/u]: Using this ability causes equal harm to Qu, meaning that it is possible for her to rush to her own defeat by using it many times in quick succession. You could say that the best method of defeating this technique is to calmly endure. Remove Qu's fangs and, strangely enough, she becomes unable to Roar.[/i] [b]Envy[/b]- [i]-[u]Power[/u]: Originates from the ability of Qu's eyes, which can cast illusions that imitate truth so closely, they almost cannot be distinguished from it. -[u]Flaw[/u]: Besides simply gouging out her eyes, the only method of truly defeating Qu's illusions is faith. To believe in the truth strongly, regardless of whatever false realities she attempts to impose on the world. [/i] [b]Pride[/b]- [i]-[u]Power[/u]: The ultimate sin, which originates from the incredibly beautiful diamond-like substance that Qu can create from any place on her body. This substance is extraordinarily strong, to the point of being able to resist even god-level attacks. Additionally, shards of this material are sharp enough to pierce virtually anything, making it a combination of both the ultimate defence and offence. -[u]Flaw[/u]: Qu's armour can be broken through by anybody with enough confidence. Such an individual would also find that its shards fail to kill them no matter how many impale themselves in their body. This explains how Qu herself is able to break and resist the effects of this substance as she pleases. Sufficiently damaging Qu's confidence would trap her in her own armour, and cause her to be gravely injured if she ever attempted to break out. Piercing Qu's forehead turns all of her armour to dust, and prevents her from creating any more until her forehead is no longer pierced.[/i][/hider] [u][i]Notes[/i][/u]: There are times when the illusion of Qu weakens or is distorted by her power, allowing a brief period of time wherein the true Qu can be harmed. Otherwise, any damage to the "Fake" Qu will do naught but slow her down, no matter the deadliness of the attack. It is said that Qu was originally a tiny worm that was consumed with envy for the titans. Now, the Serpent claims to be the greatest of them all, and will accept no words but those that praise its magnificence.