The bag was pressing heavy on his shoulders, Brom had to sit down. The old man had been walking all day to get in time to the temple. Every time after a while he would sit down and take one book out of the bag and read in it. Then when he was satisfied he would get up again to continue walking. This time he got up not just to walk again, but also to greet a young man. The young man was walking with a quick step. John was bursting with energie. He was carrying his entire savings. Before the letter arrived he wanted to buy a horse with it, but now he would sacrifice it to the gods. He knew it was a big risk. The reward he would get could be a lot smaller than a horse. He even could get nothing out of it. Still this is the oppertunity of a lifetime. The more he thought about it, the more he realised he knew far to less about what the reward could be. He should ask another traveler. How conviened that an old man with the same goal was sitting at the side of the road. It was this kind of luck that got him the small fortune he was carrying now. And so the two walked down the road, discussing what the reward could entail. Far away they could hear the festivities.