[b][center]Caien Cobb[/center][/b] Someone was calling out to him. It took Cai a couple of seconds to realize that as he had been staring to the little flame that had been awoken by the flick of his thumb. As he heard the words the light flickered and died and Cai looked down to stare into the face of a blond haired guy. He remembered him from the introduction. He had come in late. Another son of Hermes. His brother. Cai almost smiled. How strange to have a sibling now. He had always been alone with his mother on their travels, always the only child in the family, but now there were so many people that shared traits with him. Only now Cai realised that the boy probably wanted a reply from him. What had he asked again? Gathering his bearings? Cai opened his mouth and started a sentence when the boy fled. Cai stared to him. Did he pause too long? Wait too long? Done something else wrong by not replying as fast as he perhapse should have? But the guy was gone and Cai couldn't get answers on any of his questions. Maybe he should go down and inside. He flickered his lighter on again and froze, his hand with fire half raised. A shadow had gathered at his feet and was climbing up his pants, trying to swallow him. Cai reered back, the lighter clicked close as he did a dangerous roll back on the roof. Adrenaline came pumping through his veins as he tried to shoot of the roof and find the safety of the inside of the cabin. The dark scared Cai, it always had. As a little boy he used to cry when the last light had disappeared, or so his mother told. Later he had always felt insecure when the darkness settled in. As if someone wasn't watching over him anymore, as if he was now truely alone. Man eating shadows definitely didn't help to subdue the fear. He almost made it of the roof, diving off as he was going in free fall, but the shadow catched him before that. It had already found its target and wasn't about to let that go. Within seconds the blackness had taken over and Cai's breath got stuck in his throat. He was being gobbled up by a shadow. Was this something that happened more often in this camp? If so, he really didn't want to stay too long. Like seriously. Luckily the darkness parted, rather abruptly, and Cai found himself on his bum on a sandy ground. Automatically he searched for his lighter to ensure it was still there only to realize that he was still holding it in his hand. He pocketed it and slowy rose up, evening his breath. Seeing the other confused and dazed faces around him Cai concluded that this was not a normal occurance in the camp. And of course, as happens with every good camp, immediate discussions erupted. Faris was badmouthing Erin, Erin was snapping back. There was a skeleton, as in a real one, talking. At least no one really seemed to know what was going on, or where they were until Erin dropped the obvious bomb. Some god or goddess was playing with them. He should have expected that really, considering how many myths started with the fact that gods messed with stuff. The end up dead part, landed hard especially since Cai had no weapons what so ever and also his brother seemed to be... weaponless. This was a great start. He moved closer to his newly acquiered brother. [b]"Do we have any idea which god or goddess found it increadibly hilarious to drag us to a sandy pit?"[/b] He asked him, indirectly asking the rest of the group the same question.