Walking to the other fridge, Cal swallowed his pizza as he opened the appliance up and looked inside. A good vareity of sugary sodas, energy drinks and juices lined the shelves along with various milks and bottles of water. Smiling as he reached for a Mountain Dew Code Red, Cal cracked the can open and quickly slurped the can down before grabbing another. He loved the caffeine loaded up in these drinks, Cal had always found them helpful in keeping his cognitive abilities running at top potential. Seeing that he had been either unheard or ignored, Cal decided to grab another slice of pizza before his belt suddenly beeped. Sending the message from his belt to the holographic interface on his gauntlet, Cal's eyes opened wide in surprise as the results of his diagnostic came back. Looking around for the duplicating alien, Cal scrambled out of the kitchen as he chased Kilian down. "Hey!" He called, using the jets on his boots to boost himself along before skidding to a halt. "Yo Bos... El Capitano!" Cal yelled as he caught up to Kilian. "I watched the fight earlier through the news feeds and noticed something strange about the local law enforcement. So I took some scans and ran a couple diagnostics, turns out that new gear of there's isn't exactly gear. It's part of them, they appear to be augmented by that technology. Cyborgs if you will."