Eika seemed out of it be but he didn't much care. As for being "left behind" He wouldn't actually mind that. He knew the best way to blow one of the towers close to the substation was to unleash his power on it. That wouldn't be happening right now though. Kein seemed to be MIA in his own head as Eika picked him up. As she had fired off some rounds of magic from her orbs. He looked at her strangely again. Wow she seems to be a nutter. Syrus thought he was crazy and warped but something about those orbs was changing her and he didn't know what to think. The good thing was that the orbs weren't drawing on his power right now. The seemed to be concentrating their efforts on Eika's orders of which she, as far as he could tell, never vocalized. She was a powerful kid but so was he. Well maybe since she was insane or something and Kein was still out of it he could get away with a few "tricks." Soldiers began to close in around them as Eika's power had drawn then in. Soon they were surrounded a few mechs in the ranks. A couple of the soldiers yelled at them and Syrus gave them a smug grin as he raised his hands in surrender. "Now now everyone we give up, but just to be safe you might wanna put a few tranks into this one..." he pointed over towards Eika "...she is a bit out of it!" Most of the soldiers turned their heads to Eika and her pets. In that second Syrus twirled his hands while they were in the air and lightning bolts formed a halo above him and in a second more they all shot towards the soldiers and mechs. They were all down, bodies sparking, the mechs exploded and the air around them was silent except for the crackling fire from the mechs. "Alright Eika which way to the others since the area is clear we need to head over to them for cover fire if needed. Kein! Come on boy you are never going to make SeeD this way!" Syrus took Kein from Eika so that she could do her voodoo to either find the others or just follow her.