Viral had no control over his energy and all it was doing was going completely crazy as it continued to burst from him. His greater form was out of his control too, his ability to keep it under wraps had completely gone as well and all he was left doing now was running wild. Pushing himself up onto his feet, his body continued to leak energy as he let out a hissing roar. His body twitched as if trying to prevent it from releasing all at once, his rage pretty overwhelming and not helping the energy flow. Soon he would be able to tear the Narbu apart as his power continued to rise, at least that was if he could keep his energy from destroying him. If he could think rationally for a moment he might be able to stop it, but currently he couldn’t even think straight and could only think about killing. Moving towards the Chieftain, Viral raised his claws before suddenly charging horns first towards him, his claws ready to strike out when he got close enough. Shu didn’t know how they were going to help Viral without Vegeta doing something, maybe even Yumi if she could do anything too. He was completely out of control and that last hit really did it in for him as he continued with his assault. Pulling at his hair, he quickly looked up at Takeshi in anticipation, hoping he might have some idea on how to deal with this problem. It was scary enough seeing them fight before, but now Viral looked like he was ready to explode, “M-Maybe he didn’t mean to change! I know I don’t mean to change, but maybe Mister Viral doesn’t mean to too!” He thought Viral had been training with Vegeta when it came to all of this, but this was completely backwards. Moving back slowly, he stared at Takeshi and nodded slowly, understanding where he was coming from with that completely, “Please be quick…I don’t want anyone to die…”