The steel blade of Jericho's scythe flashed through the air as it passed through another Galbadian soldier's midriff, his friends in full retreat towards the other side of the town. The troopers, ignoring the many places to take cover among the alleyways, buildings and other positions on the streets they ran, kept moving and occasionally looked back, taking pot shots back towards the team of SeeDs that had pushed them back from the beach all the way to the main square. Taking cover to avoid getting hit, Jericho drew his pistol and returned fire, watching the Galbadian's retreat until they were no longer in sight. Sighing, he stood up and watched the other SeeDs all sweep and clear the main square, securing it before getting ready to move on. Their orders had been simple enough, get through the sea wall, land and push the Galbadians back into the city. Sitting down, he looks up as another SeeD, Lana if he remembered correctly, walked over to him. She had a smile on her face, as if she was happy they'd won when the victory was only symbolic. There was still an entire city to cover. "Hey, Jericho, good job! You're pretty good with that scythe of yours." Looking at her, Jericho shrugs, spinning the weapon a couple of times before placing it on his back. "I spent long enough training with the thing, getting good enough to be useful in battle." He took a drink of water from his canteen before looking back at Lana. "Now then, what was the real reason you came over here?" Lana's smile faltered a moment, as she was taken aback by the tone of voice he'd used. "To wish a good job, honest." Jericho snorts and heads for the next street. "Thanks. Now let's get back to work." Lana finally let the frown win and watched Jericho's retreating form, turning to go back to the rest of their group when the team leader's radio goes off. Jericho pauses and looks back at the man, James he thought was his name. After a moment of listening, James called the team, including a grumbling Jericho. "That was the Head Instructor, Corvo. He wants me to send one person to the north power substations to back up the examinees. It seems that Galbadia defended that better than we thought." He appraises the group, considering all their strengths and weaknesses before settling his gaze on Jericho. His attitude alone made him a good choice, since he didn't like being around the others. Couple that with how fast he was and good with his scythe, no one fit the bill better. "Jericho, you're going." Jericho raised an eyebrow and opened his mouth to argue the point but stopped. [i]Now isn't the time or place to be rebellious. Much fun as it would be.[/i] Instead he saluted and gave a curt "Yes, sir" before heading northward, quickly vanishing into the cityscape.