Paige's eyes fluttered open. Her head ached and her mouth was cottony. She laid there momentarily, afraid to move. Closing her eyes she tried to gather as much information about her surroundings as she could without her eyes. She could hear wind going through trees and grass. She could hear voices of other... people? Taking a deep breath she slowly sat up and looked around. There were definitely others scattered about, but were they all human? Since her attack a few years ago sure had decided that you couldn't really ever tell who the real monsters were nowadays. She felt exposed out in the open. She reached for her Smith&Wesson pistol from its holster on her hip but grasped nothing but air. She looked down and saw that her holster wasn't there. She reached into her boot for her knife and saw that it, too, was missing. "This can't be good." She said to herself. Trying to gather herself up to stand she felt a little dizzy, but pushed through it. Wherever she was and whatever was wrong she needed to get to somewhere more defensible, and she needed a weapon. .. or two.