The sprint for the axe was easy; what to do when she had it was not. There were screams all around as tributes killed and maimed, and Maele decided that there definitely wasn't time to screw around trying to pick too many things up. Right next to the axe was a tiny backpack, which she reached for, and across the pile she saw Matt use another axe to take out another tribute. Someone behind her yelled something, but it was lost in the rest of the noise. Maele turned to get away, her path blocked only by a boy with a crossbow, who luckily was too focused on the girl from 4 to see her. Running hard, she sprinted away up the nearest sand dune, expected any moment to feel searing pain in her back; it didn't come. At the top of the dune, she lay on her stomach to get a look of the cornucopia, hoping to wait until it was empty, then go back to scavenge. She could also see not too far away that the girl from 4 had killed the crossbow boy, and was headed toward a thinly forested area, followed by Matt. At the cornucopia, the fighting was almost done; but it didn't look like she'd be able to go back in any time soon; a group of tributes apparently working together were patrolling the area. She waited.