Gren moved like a dancer, gracefully cutting through the knights as through they were paper. However well-crafted their armor was, he would never know, as he went for their joints, noticeably easier to cut through. He spun around, his blade circling around him, moving up and down like a wave, resembling a whirlwind. And then he stopped, his word returning to normal as he lowered it. There was a slight pause, as the knights around him were suddenly slashed into pieces. Sun, on the other hand, was much less showy. He punched a dude, they froze. He punched them again, they shattered. "Sorry if I seem a bit cold hearted!" He joked, laughing as he was shattering the frozen knights. However, despite his laughter, he was still cautious. This was far too easy, the knights were barely putting up a fight. He took note of their actions, and it was almost like they were surprised. [i]"Have they never been in a fight before?"[/i] He wondered, shattering another one. --- Nearby, a small figure moved through the forest of black wood. He was covered in a cloak, keeping low, trying not to be seen. He clutched a leather bag to his chest, panting for best as he run as fast as he could while still being as quiet as possible. He was scared, terrified even, but he had a job to do. "Just a little bit more..." he told himself, his voice sounding young, yet tired. He begun to slow, the sounds of fighting reaching his ears. He knew he shouldn't have paid attention to it, and he fought the urge to look, telling himself to just keep on moving. The urge was too strong, and he begun to head towards the direction of the fighting, soon finding the clearing. He hid behind a tree, watching in amazement as the knights were cut down, a small "so cool..." escaping from his lips. He had never seen people cut the knights down so easily! An excitement grew within him, making him want to shout out encouragement, but he kept his mouth closed. Watching from the sidelines would be enough for now. The knights were gone, and the four were victorious. Mostly. There still remained the horn one, who had simply stood there, waiting with it's arms crossed. Unfortunately for him, the four warriors now only focused on him, two on his sides and slightly behind him, and two on his sides and slightly in front of him. It suddenly held it's arms up, as swift as lighting, two swords forming in it's hands. And then, two more arms burst out of it's back, a blade forming in each one. He was able to block each strike, pushing the paladins back. [url=]It cracked it's neck, pointing at sword at each of them.[/url]