Ba'al was...suitably impressed as the attack that Sorin had used, whether it was magic or some other advanced skill, worked upon the dragon. The thing bulged almost comically, then began to rot and decay, losing quite a bit of it's pelt, among other things. He would have to keep that in mind, that this Sorin was capable of essentially creating zombies from living organisms, a useful power, but one that he would not want turned against him under any circumstances. So if he was to turn and eliminate the vampire, he would have to do it when he wasn't expecting it, or at least before he could use his magic, a complicated feat that Ba'al would idle upon for some time. For the moment though Ba'al emerged from his cover, turning the safety on his Zat back on as he made his way up the path to where Sorin and the large dragon remained. "Very good," he complimented. "I'm glad to see my faith in you wasn't misplaced." Not likely to get the best reaction, but Ba'al had stopped caring about the insults he got a long time ago. For now, he moved on past and up the path, expecting that those who had joined him would follow, given the apparent lack of other options. It seemed now the paths led together, and across the gap was the other group that had previously gone into the cave, sans a few people. Well, tragic, but they had made it, so that was good. Now to see if they'd be as useful as Sorin or the dragon he had with him now.