Name (first and last): Diamond Wong Age: 16 Country/ City of Origin (description optional): Malaysia Status (master, slave, free man): Free person, from the modern world Personality (detailed or vague): Generally cheerful and friendly but is often doubtful and lacking confidence in herself. Quite blur and oblivious to her surroundings at times. A dreamer who loves to keep thoughts to herself and dreams of meeting the love of her life and having happily-after endings. Appearance (pic, description, or both, preferably real person): [img=] Height: 150cm Reason for attending the party (detailed or vague): Diamond was in the midst of a friend's party at night when she was pulled away to the edge of a swimming pool by a guy who had a crush on her. The guy was halfway professing his love for her when he unconsciously took a step backward and fell into the pool. There were a few moments of eye-rolling from the girl (who proposes to a girl just to fall into a pool? .__. ) before panic surged through her when the guy failed to resurface. Realising that the guy might not know how to swim and might be drowning, she took off her heels and jumped in to his rescue. Little did she realise that when she finally climbed out of the water, weary and desperate for air, not only did she fail to find her friend's whereabouts but she had somehow swam through a portal connecting her world and Ignia's at that point of time. She was puzzled by her new surroundings and was walking aimlessly until she happened upon the party, barefooted and drenched from head to toe. If not for Ignia's dance distracting her appearance, she might have been caught and made into a new slave by Ignia's master due to her out-of-place clothing. Anything else (anything the other rp-ers should know): Hmm...nothing else for now.