[b]@GI[/b] - Thanks! Glad my ideas went over so well. :) Alas, your reference escapes me. For the aristo, I could have him be descended from one of the families that submitted to Sarifen authority (or even collaborated) and married into its nobility. That kills two birds with one stone; he's got an ancestral shame to try and redeem [i]and[/i] he'll be of mixed racial heritage, so he can fulfill that tried-and-true "tall, dark and handsome" trope. That same background might also make him more progressive and less distracted by preserving his pedigree (and the privileges exclusive to it) like some other bluebloods. In reference to Pepperm1nt's query about whether or not this will be a "heroes get together and fight bad guys" RPG, I would definitely argue otherwise. I interpreted this more as a sprawling war story meets political drama meets pseudo-historical overview focusing on several characters spread out over Carcassonne (with PC interactions of varying frequency). Am [i]I[/i] right in assuming [i]that[/i]? Anyway, looking forward to it. [b]@Ivory[/b] - I will gladly concede playing a female knight initiate, if you're interested in an active member of the Order instead. I still have two other PCs I could write. [b]@Konica[/b] - Nice find with that painting! I adore it. And by the same artist (Ingres) who did [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/28/Ingres%2C_Napoleon_on_his_Imperial_throne.jpg]that very imperious painting[/url] of Napoleon in his coronation costume. ;)