The old head priest sat on his high chair as he looked down on the festivities. He smiled when he saw the young girls dance. He snickered when he saw the young men stand by the side, daring each other to go dance with the girls or boasting who had the best gift. He watched contently as the villagers trickled in. Enjoying the excitement they brought. He could almost feel energy return to his brittle bones. The smell of roasted meat and fresh wine filled the evening. The warm summer breeze ran trough the few gray hairs left on his head. Such a nice evening for a party it was. It almost calmed his worries. It had been a long time since he'd had visions so dire. There was something coming, he knew that much. Only the gods know what. But whatever it will be, whatever will come. Travels End will have champions to save it. The citizens of Travels End loved their gods with all their beings, and the old priest had faith that the gods loved them. Suddenly the old priest was interrupted in his wandering thought by two brothers screaming the name Erebus. Before he looked up at the sacrificial pyre on the hilltop he knew exactly who. He'd warned them before. But preaching caution and patience was folly he knew. So he send a handful of sober men over to make sure that no one else would get hurt. "Don't interfere, it's out of our hands. Just keep this from escalating." His tired old voice crackled after them. He knew the two were done for, once you put yourselves in the hands of the gods... the gods are complicated beings and not all are so willing to help. "It's not their task to make our lives easy" He'd always preach. Still... he hoped their little niece wasn't there to see this.