Satúm climbed down from the tree he had been enjoying his lunch in. Chewing his final bite he jumped the last two meters, touching down with a soft grunt. He stood up and stretched his back, looking around. What a beautiful afternoon this was, a nice day with nothing important to do. nothing at all.. Satúm froze in his tracks, realizing what he had forgotten. 'Curse my mind!' he shouted, jumping to a sprint. Satúm ran down the hill, towards the paved road leading to the temple. 'Curses, curses curses!' he shouted another few times 'Not only too late, but what do I bring to please the Gods?!' Satúm reached the road at full sprint, almost falling over some loose pavement. He stopped for a moment feverishly digging his hands deep into his pockets. 'Please please please let there be something.' A lump of bread, a few colored beads, some polished pebbles, there had to be something more valuable. Satúm dug a little deeper, but then gave up. 'Curses!' he screamed one final time, and continued his run towards the temple. Maybe he would find something on the road. 'I wish I could give my forgetful mind..' he grinned to himself