He could now not only buy a horse, but also an expensive saddle to go with it. A festival like this means a lot of people walking around with coins in their pockets. A broad smile covered his face when he looked at the amount of coins he gathered. Then he quickly hid them away. He did the part to look like an ordinary farmers son and smiling in a sack with coins would break the act. It had been a good decision to part way with the old man. When the old man was asleep he had managed to snatch away a book from the old man's bag. It looked quite valuable. "Maybe I should try to hook up with the girl dancing in the circle," John thought while leaving the bar. Time enough left before the festival would become really interesting. The old man entered the city. He did not mind when the youngster took one of his books. "Oh yes he knew," thought Brom with a smile. They should know about the things he heard while pretending to be asleep. Nothing did amuse him as much as people taking him for an old senile fool. He was pleased with his early arrival at the city today, there were a few people he wanted to talk to before the offering would start.