Audrunar watched as Erika moved off into the forest again. Her stay with the group was short and Audrunar had half a mind that she was leaving the group to be alone. Faen was standing in the river, doing what seemed like nothing. Audrunar sighed and sat down on a bendy treestump, overlooking the group that was left, paying short notion to Faen in the distance and keeping an eye on him. Alva was rummaging through her pack, something Audrunar had seen her do a lot during this trek. While many of them had nothing more than a few tools, these two insisted on carrying around traveling packs the size of mountains. When Jonrik inquired to Alva's troubles she answered that they had no flint, to which Audrunar responded with a short, silent [i]“pssh.”[/i] Some smith he was. Can't even start a fire if he had to. And the look Alva shot at Audrunar wasn't appreciated either as it made him feel like he had somehow been responsible for a flint. Audrunar stood up from the stump and grabbed Jonrik's arm when he tried to get away to get firewood. He delved into his pockets and took his own flint, then lightly threw it towards Alva. “Keep it. A smith has more need for it than I do.” He smiled at Alva, forcing him to forget her look at him earlier. It had been a long day, and he might be misinterpreting the whole look she gave him. After seeing to it that she would take the flint and stash it somewhere, Audrunar gripped Jonrik's arm tighter and guided him closer to the edge of the forest, stopping him there and bending his head closer to Jonrik so he could hear Audrunar when he would speak more silent. “We need a place to sleep, Jonrik. I ask you to do this, not me, because Alva is your wife.” It would be rather unclear where Audrunar was going with this, but he continued. “... just because people got exiled [b]with[/b] us doesn't mean they are one of us.” Audrunar looked into the distance, where Faen was whistling to himself and trying to catch a fish. “I'm not sure about him. Do you know what they called him? The Lokison, cunning and deceiving.” After that he looked at Alva, noting the shortsword she had. “A shortsword at day doesn't protect against a knife in the dark.” He would release Jonrik's arm and slap his shoulder, then move in the trail that Erika took, hoping to catch up with her while he would go and collect firewood. It was also pretty clear that Audrunar wasn't sure about the Lokison. He was all for equal chances and a new start - but this guy had a certain reputation. He was smart, clever, knew all sorts of tricks and gimmicks. But at the same time, this man could use all that against the group. So Audrunar wasn't sure where to put this guy. His mind clouded with thoughts about the group, he snapped back to reality when he realized that he should probably come back with some firewood. So he bent through his knees and started grabbing wood. But just as he bent over, he heard the clouds split and noticed the rain starting to fall all around him. Just as he was going to look up, he heard the crackle of thunder. The Gods were angry, tonight. All he could say was “.. deer shit.”