Scenario #1 --- [center][u]Malakaus Ralthavar Marchosias[/u][/center] Eager to put some solid ground underneath his feet, Malakaus chose to accompany the crew who were investigating the castle structure on their mysterious island. He could not carry as much as he'd like, meaning that his current load out was only his axe and rifle. He was dressed in full armor at least, giving him some confidence against any potential threat. He had been quiet the entire ride putting his back into manning two oars, a task that he does repetitively well. Although he had a protective cloth for his rifle, it needed no protections from the elements. While none of Malakaus's weapons could be considered "Elegant" or "Sophisticated" they were certainly durable. Be it rain, snow, or sludge, you can be sure that if Malakaus made the rifle, it will shoot when it's ready to shoot. And if need be it can also be used to bash through heavy armor. Ugly and bulky, but reliable and neigh impossible to break. Even the most careless marksmen will have a hard time breaking his rifle. Eventually the party reached shore, and while they could discern the vague silhouette of the ruins they were to investigate, Malakaus himself could not see much else through the thick fog. Soon it began to rain, making things even more complicated since they had to be quick, or else they would have to slog through mud. Malakaus's skills weren't much use from afar but he still took out his blunderbuss, loading both barrels with metal pellets. One thing was for certain, anything that was in the general direction in front of his gun was going to be in a world of hurt. Malakaus followed Stren close enough for the both of them to be able to see each other but with enough distance that the two won't be caught in the blast radius of an explosion, should one occur. Scenario #2 --- [center][u]Andari Ambermane[/u][/center] Sniffing the air Andari could already pick up the strange scent of the boat they were sent to investigate. Though the sea water had washed away most of the more subtle clues as to what was there, he could detect strong elven influences and planned accordingly. His supernatural tracking ability would be helpful to find any remainder of the wreck's crew, as well as predicting any ambush that would inevitably happen. However until they can reach the wreck itself Andari could not detect much else from their little row boat. Getting onto shore Andari's massive armored form almost shuttered with joy as he felt the wet sand beneath his feet. He had been on that boat for much too long for his liking, starving himself just so others wouldn't grip about their own hunger. As soon as they established a base of operations Andari was going to go into the woods and eat the first big game he takes down. He had no intention of sharing until he had his fill, but afterwards he would gladly bring back meat for the crew.