Syrus gave a sigh of relief as she didn't seem to notice the real magic that he had just conjured up. With out word he followed after her but staying behind the orb that was effectively dragging Kein. What had Eika felt or seen in those strange orbs that made her want to go find the instructor. She had seemed rather fond of him...wait...was interested in him? Syrus shook his head away from those thoughts and continued on making himself focus on the mission at hand. He then yelled ahead to Eika. "So the instructor took off on his own, the others don't seem to be in any trouble, and Kein is about as useful as a corpse. What a rag tag team we make." He hoped that she actually knew where she was going but her strange abilities seemed to be working out just fine so far so for now he would trust and follow her. "When we get there lets hide Kein in the bushes. He will just be a distraction in the complex if we run into enemy fire!" Syrus wasn't sure if the boy was just out of it or faking it at this point. He was still alive because Syrus could feel his life force as he could most people's thanks to his connection to Phoenix. For the most part this mission so far was well crazy. It was the first time he had seen Eika in action and he never figured that the occupation of Dollet would be this extreme but it seemed they wanted something. This wasn't some simple take over... this was that plus a hidden agenda. He had seen this before with the scientists in Esthar.