It took some time to find and and rig the substation supports to blow, especially while dodging the soldiers on patrol. Aside from the silent bloodbath it had taken for Duncan to infiltrate the facility, he was satisfied with his progress so far; he hadn't taken a bullet, for one. It would have been preferable to get in without bloodshed but not because he shied away from killing; he just hated the extra hassle. Regardless after checking the last detonator, he was finally ready to leave and backtracked through the substation to the previously guarded entrance. Elsewhere in the city SeeD would be pushing toward the outer districts by now and the candidates must have been close to taking down the other set of towers. While no order of withdrawal had been given thus far, Duncan thought it must have been fairly so- [i]Shit..![/i] All it took was a moment of inattention and he walked straight into a fresh patrol. The soldiers were prepared, their rifles and swords already tracking the SeeD as he dove for cover. The fight was short but decisive; one soldier fell, impaled upon Duncan's bayonet, yet they were too many. The Instructor was pummelled to the ground, battered into unconsciousness and jabbed with a stun stick - just to be sure. As the patrol dragged him off toward the cliffs with their injured comrade in tow, a forlorn buzz could be heard in the scrub. Vinzer took off as fast as it could, toward the other substation and the others. It had to warm them. --- Colours and lights swam in the air... Yoko was doing that thing with her eyebrows... and something hard was hitting him in the gut. Full conciousness came back like a bucket of cold water and Kein slid off the orb with a whimper. [b]'Argh... Feels like New Years...'[/b] He managed to pull himself together enough to take a stock of the situation; it was just Eika, Syrus and himself. Behind them lay the bodies of a large number of soldiers, before them was... the substation? [i]D-did the others..? Is it my fault? Shitshitshit, I fucked up bad...[/i] It wasn't easy, but he managed to still his quivering lower lip long enough to ask the others a question. [b]'I... I remember falling out of the airship and... D... Did the others.. Fuck, are they all dead!?'[/b] But before they could answer, Kein spotted movement from the corner of his eye; a stream of missiles inbound on Syrus. He leapt forward into a spinning pirouette, his knocking the first few missiles off-course with his nagitnata. As the destroyed missiles rained down around him, Kein cast an Aero at those remaining, scattering their flight paths. He landed with a feline grace, completely at odds with his bumbling idiocy earlier on, identifying the attacker as a GIM52A. Calm of mind for the first time today, Kein kicked off hard from the ground, using another Aero to boost him toward the mech. His naginata slashed clean through the target, tearing its fuselage in two. He landed, took a few seconds to scan the area for more hostiles... and promptly keeled over, clutching his calf frantically. [b]'Crap, fuck, shit-! Cramp!'[/b] The tears in his eyes were from broth the pain and the shame of it all...