[center]++ KYUBEROS ++ " I want to be popular with women!" The man infront of him pleaded desperately. Kyuberos had heard this a thousand times before from a thousand different men and personally, he found it quite boring. Out of all the things you can sell your soul for, why limit yourself to just women? Why not everyone you come across? Why not constant love and devotion from someone you truly care about? But as long as he received their soul as payment, he didn't really give a damn how they threw their lives away. Kyuberos simply nodded and pulled out a paper contract from under the table and slid it over to the client, silently observing the man's features. His appearance was average, apart from the random spade tattoo under his left eye, and his obscure choice in clothing, but other than that, there was nothing eye catching about him. Changing his facial features would be too drastic and noticeable to those who already knew him, so the change would have to be subtle. His eyes maybe? " I will grant you your wish," Kyuberos smiled, twirling a pen between his fingers, " for the exchange of your soul in ten years time. You are twenty-two right now, making you thirty-two when I receive my payment. Do you agree to these terms?" " Yes!" The man said immediately, signing his name at the bottom of the paper. Once he was done, he returned it to Kyuberos' side of the table and he picked it up, looking over the messy signature that now bound them together for the rest of this man's short life. It was a shame really, that this foolish mortal had misunderstood his contract. Only a few humans caught on before signing their life away and actually asked " But what is the payment?". If asked, he would have honestly answered and let them make their decision from there, but over the years, he found out that most are likely to refuse if they knew the truth, so he kept that little part to himself and let it be....a nice little surprise for them when he came in ten years time. As he was signing his name on the contract, a voice rang in his head, " Kyuberos, my wife is in danger. Go to her!" In an instant, he was out of his seat and heading towards the door, swiftly rolling up the contract and tucking it into his shirt as he went. Just before he left, he stopped and turned back to the man, who was stunned in awe at Kyuberos fast movements, " We're done here. My attendant will show you out." A door on the other side of the room opened and a black haired individual sauntered out, his expression blank. " This way please," Seraphim gestured towards the door he came through. " But-! But what about my wi-?" He turned to look back at Angel, but the room was empty apart from he and Seraphim. " Where did he go? What about my wish?" Angel's attendant moved from his spot by the door to help him out of his seat and physically lead him out of the room. He wasn't forceful, but the hand on the man's shoulder and lower back was unmovable. " Don't worry, your wish has been granted. Now please, this way." He lead the man out of the store, despite all of his protests, and abruptly shut the door on his face mid-sentence. Meanwhile, Kyuberos entered into Wiz via a magical door that linked his shop to Belzeneff's castle. The door was created so that he would not have to waste energy using interdimension travel and that the only being that could use it was him, ensuring that no other wizard entered the human realm without the King knowing. Once he was on the other side, he found the Queen and took her to the healer's quarters. The medic there, the despicable Trowa Lancaster, was easily one of Kyuberos' least favorite people in the castle and he wouldn't trust him even if he was paid to, but was the most skilled at treating situations like these, so he had no choice but to bring the Queen to him. Shorty after leaving her in the care of the slimy pink haired doctor, Bellerophon came storming past, fire burning in his eyes for the need to capture whoever was responsible for this. Fortunately, the good prince didn't have to wait too long when the guards announced that they had caught the would-be-assassin and that Bellerophon was welcome to interrogate him. Just like all the other times when loosing his temper, Bellerophon tore off his flower and threw it behind him, trusting Kyuberos to catch it, which he did. As much as he would have liked to follow Bellerophon to ensure his safety, he still had his orders from the King to carry through and faithfully remained in the area, keeping silent as some of the King's other children, council members, and the Queens brother all came and went, making sure that she was okay before leaving her alone to rest. It wasn't long until Bellerophon returned and Kyuberos presented the flower that he had kept safe in his hands, " Of course, my Prince," He knew how much the flower meant to the Prince and would never let it get in harms way. " Your father is on his way from the Northwest and should be arriving shortly. Do you wish to wait for him?" Belzeneff had been up north to settle a dispute between two council members there and had been unable to help his wife personally, which is why he ordered Kyuberos to do it.[/center]