I'm blushing~ Also, I just did my sketch of Feo. Of course, the one colour I didn't have was grey so just pretend that his hair isn't purple. Here, take my crappy cellphone picture of it: [hider=Feo][img=https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/10715784_863667120319973_1277223952_n.jpg?oh=1e6e3650a1c4fd640f8450882dc64de2&oe=54258EE0&__gda__=1411743472_69a3348f07939e92b5fa986588302eaa][/hider] (No D's allowed on here, I'm sure) I think he's cute and all, but I wish I'd gotten more of the grotesque feel I wanted with his exposed bones and whatnot. He looks rather healthy, I don't know how I managed. I guess this would be a picture of him at his prime? Lets go with that. I also included his usual position in the corner, he's almost always curled up like that. I'll go put him in my CS now. :B Edit: So I tried to add in the second eye and it's completely lopsided and now he's ruined. He looks better with the one eye, WHOOPS.