Eli finished his plum by sucking the rest of the meat off the core, then spitting the seed out into the bushes nearby. Since no one seemed to take up his offer, he proceeded to chomp down on the last one. He glanced around the clearing as he ate, taking time to appreciate how nice it was out here. He was pretty sure he'd been out here hunting before. Maybe some time during the winter. Everything looked so much nicer with leaves and blooms on the trees. He noticed a few more people joining them, and was sure to wave and smile to greet them. Eli noticed a bit too late that the woman with what he assumed was a flask of alcohol had been talking this whole time. Should he have been paying attention? She seemed a little off putting, like maybe she had woken up on the wrong side of the bed today. Eli saw her ask if anyone had questions and sheepishly raised his hand. "Could you repeat that?"