[center] A cold air passed through Garry, being reminded of Karina. It was a tragedy that nobody could've prevented, not even the girl who sat in front of him who spoke as if she could. He lowered his mug of half-empty hot chocolate with a cold stance, [b]"Aria,"[/b] he spoke calmly, [b]"It wasn't your fault."[/b] He knew the feeling: the feeling of guilt, the fact that it could've ended differently. But that wasn't the case. He leaned over slightly, placing his hand on Aria's shoulder. In a quiet voice he continued, [b]"There are circumstances you don't know about. She jumped herself,"[/b] that was the story. Only members of the Leoniv family had heard her confession of jumping off, but it had been kept between Garry and his older sister, the only people that Karina herself, admitted to trusting. But he wasn't going to share that much. Karina was entitled to her privacy at the very least. Feeling awkward and slightly flustered, he fell back into his seat, realizing he shouldn't have placed his hand on the girl without permission prior, [b]". . sorry,"[/b], he mumbled, red eyes shifting attention to the window once more.[/center]