If you want a God, as well as the Titan I've provided. . . just a second. Name: Chang Mu Title: Lady Heaven Gender: Female Appearance: Mortal Form: [URL=http://imgur.com/U7uJjwV][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/U7uJjwV.jpg[/IMG][/URL] GodlyForm: [URL=http://imgur.com/WHyUiE5][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/WHyUiE5.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Powers: The goddess of water and the life giving power of water. She controls the waters, and can even shape living creatures out of clay. (Such as terracotta warriors). She can multiply the healing properties of water in someone's blood in order to revive them from the brink of death, completely restore their bodies, or even bring them back from the dead, and cause a torrential downpour of water that destroys the undead. Personality: Chang Mu is a comforting Woman to be around. Her presence can sometimes brighten the atmosphere of others around her, and she loves to bring joy and the passion of life and living to whomever is within her sight. She can be wrathful and powerful or soothing, and calm before the storm. Before the destruction of so much of the world, she was a Chinese American who grew up during the year of 2003. She was highly intelligent, artistic and creative, and was exceptionally athletic. She detested the martial arts, but she loved the way that people moved in them. . . as a result, she learned ways in how to improve her stamina, endurance, strength and reflexes, and became so good at her physical traits that she could astound even those in them. These days she hates the fact that so much suffering is running rampant, and although her Domain is not as strong as it could be these days, the forces of good need all the Doctors and healers they could get.