One thing that annoys me is when the CS has a separate "sexuality/gender preference" section. If it's important for all the players to know that my character is Gay/Straight/Bi/Whatever, I'll mention it in their personality or their history. It does not need to be it's own section... If my character finds yours attractive, I'll deal with it then. Not to mention the fact that not many people play Gay characters. So when there are two of them, everyone assumes that the two Gay people will be an item. Gay people have types and preferences too ya know! They're not attracted to someone just because they're Gay! Having this as a separate section makes me feel like romance is going to be forced on me. which brings me to my other Pet Peeve... Forced Romantic Relationships: I like Love and stuff as much as the next guy, and I'm fine with having preexisting platonic relationships... What I don't like is "Hey, let's have our characters be a couple by the end of this RP" to the exclusion of anyone else. Romance in RPs should be developed naturally as part of the characters interactions with each other. Not planned before the characters have actually met each other in the Roleplay. When it is planned like that, it just comes off as cheesy, forced, and not good to read. Not to mention you basically ignore the other characters that you may find you click with better along the way...