Jericho would have stopped her if he hadn't been impressed with her attitude towards saving their instructor. Hell, her attitude over all. Still, their objective wasn't to save their instructor, and going away from her orders would hurt her score in the end. Shaking his head, he turned to the other two, one of which, the red haired one, seemed to be supporting the other, muttering to himself. "Eika, huh? Hope I'm not supposed to grade these kids myself, I'm not an instructor." Shaking himself from the reverie of sorts, he appraises the pair before sighing. "Saving your instructor doesn't do us much good if the Galbadians can still charge their mechs." Looking around, Jericho frowns when he realizes he only saw three of the examinees. He didn't know how many there were supposed to be, but he knew it was more than three. Could the others have died? Were they captured too? What the hell was going on? "And while you've giving me names, how about what happened to the rest of you. There were supposed to be more than three."