[quote=LordMarwain] A man, seemingly a farmer, approached lily. He spoke with a soft pleasant voice: "Hey little lady, you're enjoying the festival?" Then he pointed at the roses. "You're going to offer that to the gods? That are some beautifull roses. I'm sure anyone who would get that as a gift would be pleased." He then chuckled, "Well everyone."He gestured her to sit down on a low wall surrounding one of the houses in the village. It was a good spot to sit down and enjoy the festivities without participating. When they sat down he continued to speak. "Look at them having fun, it's such a nice sight. It's a shame that everything will change soon. The choosing of the champions will cause a huge ruckus."He then turned his head to her. His face was cleaner then you would expect from a farmer. Quite handsome too. "Why did you really come here Lily? Why did you decide to take your prize roses from the ground you grew them and take them here?" [/quote] "I am enjoying the festival, thank you. Yes the roses are my offering to the Gods. I hope to please one enough to be chosen. " Liz answered in a soft sweet voice. She was surprised that anyone would approach her. "I am not looking forward to the chaos that comes with the choosing of heroes." she told him honestly sitting on the low wall. "I prefer calm and quiet. But it will be interesting to see who is chosen. I came here because I want something new in my life. I think being honored by the gods might be just the thing to help me with that."