Can't say besides Fallout and the new MGS I'm waiting for any other titles. Must be because I'm getting old at 23 so I just don't care about what your chitlins' be doin'. So long as the TF2 servers stay live. Though, I'd say The Witcher: Wild Hunt. But I think that might as well be out already. And I'm still playing through The Witcher. But all the same: mighty impressive that I'm waiting for the newest title in a series I just started to come out while I'm still on the first in the series. But as I work my way through enjoying hacking shit up as Geralt from game 1 I'm amusing myself with the OST for the third. [youtube]0Ccpv3mz4HI[/youtube] Soon. Maybe I should look into the stories the games are based off of. I'd say the TV show but I doubt they've been translated from Polish yet.