Kyla heard the dragon roar from above and way to close for her liking, her escape was failing and Edward was so close to catching up to her now, she felt that even the trees were against her right now as she ran through their forest and it made her feel rather annoyed and betrayed. Kyla didn't want to face Edward again, not now with her attempt to leave him the way she did and after stealing his shirt that she still wore and everything else, though it didn't matter now anyway because he had found her and she knew that now she would not be able to get away as smoothly as she would have liked it. Kyla was not expecting Edward to come any closer to the tree tops that he already was, knowing that it would be dangerous for him to do so, so it was a massive surprise to the red head when she heard the snapping of branches and the creaking of falling trees followed by the earth shaking fall of the storm dragon. Kyla had been forced to jump backwards a few paces in order to avoid being crushed by him in his large dragon form, visibly cringing as he looked like he hurt himself from the crash landing, and also for the trees though she didn't know why she felt their pain. Kyla's panicked expression soon turned to annoyance as she watched the dragon but even quicker turn to sadness as she turned her head to the side so she didn't have to look at him directly. "Edward...." she started in a quiet voice, wondering what she could say, after he had asked her not to leave the way he did broke her heart, "it''s better this way" she told him. She still did not lookout him, she could already imagine what expression he had, yet she made no attempts to continue fleeing, at the moment anyway.